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The Time Is NOW!
Positive changes occur when those who build America unite to secure its future. We are a huge organization and if just one person from each Hall decided to run for office, imagine the differences we could make in our communities.
Attend your local town and village board meetings to find out what officials are doing for your community. Vote in local elections. Don't think your voice won't make a difference. Remember, individually we can make small, positive changes in our home towns, but collectively, we can impact the country.
We can't be visible enough. Show your community that members of Local 35 care. Whether you are helping out at the school's bake sale, Pop Warner or just attending a local event, wear your union colors with pride. Consider checking on your elderly neighbor on occasion just to make sure they're alright. Sweep off their steps if it snows or give them a hand with their groceries if they need it. Individuals make up communities only when they unite. Let's help each other.
We can make sure our representatives in Congress hear our voices! With the critical need to rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure and the nation's staggering unemployment rates, the solution seems pretty simple. Release the funds and put our men and women back to work! We seem to have a considerable amount of aid going to foreign lands supporting foreign workers. How about some that money being re-allotted to put Americans back to work? Contact your representative and tell him/her to stand up for America and those who built her!! If you need the contact information for your representative in Washington, paste this address into your web browser, or call the Hall and we will be more than happy to provide your representative's contact information.
Resource and Issue links
U.S. Wealth Inequality
Voter Registration Fact Sheet
Jobs When and Where?
Unsafe Bridges
Blackbox Voting
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